Jan 27-28, 2023: Errik Hood Master Class

Dr. Errik Hood from NYU Steinhardt is coming to the Treasure Valley January 27th and 28th as the guest clinician for the TVNATS Winter Master Class!

Dr. Errik Hood is a beautiful singer and gifted teacher of spectacularly successful students on national stages. He is highly sought after as a crossover voice specialist at universities and professional conferences all over the country. In fact, you will see him as guest mentor for the upcoming National NATS 2023 Winter Workshop in Miami. Learn more about Dr. Hood and where he teaches.

We are fortunate to have such an esteemed clinician come to our neck of the woods and to watch him work with our wonderful students!


Langroise Recital Hall, College of Idaho
S 20th Ave, Caldwell, ID 83605


Friday January 27, 2023
3:00 to 5:00, Friday afternoon Master Class
5:00 to 7:00, Dinner on your own
7:00 to 9:00, Friday evening Master Class

Saturday, January 28, 2023
9:30 to 12:10, Saturday morning Master Class
12:15 to 2:00, Lunch on your own
2:00 to 4:00, Saturday afternoon Master Class
4:00 to 5:00, Educational Session

View who is registered!
Anthony Ames
Jerusha Baker
Teresa Baker
Clarissa Baker
Elise Brown
Jarom Burbank
Bryn Carter
Olivia Champlan
Addi Chandler
Leslie Crafton
Christopher Dacolias
Eliot DeHaven
Kylie Evans
Davis Fischer
Anthea Fisher
Olivia Glisson
Lydia Hansen
Sarah Kelly
Allison Linton
Emily Mahon
Keith McCauley
Richard Moore
Carter Myler
Olivia Nielsen
Cris O'Bryon
Rebecca Pearce
Ann Powell
Annie Roberts
Emily Roundy
Laura Rushing-Raynes
Bonnie Salewski
David Scheloske
Cindy Sharp
Jaclyn Stapp
Connor Vrooman
Alyssa Walker
Kaiti Walton
Kinsley Wardle
Heaton Zimmerman
Calem Zimmerman
Calem Zimmerman

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